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Books on Paul Morphy

I try to list on this page the books on Paul Morphy, ordered by date of publication.

1859: Choix des parties les plus remarquables jouées par Paul Morphy, Jean Preti. Online. In French.

1859: Paul Morphy, the chess champion, an account of his career in America and Europe with a history of chess and chess clubs and anecdotes of famous players, Frederick Milnes Edge, London: William Lay, King William Street, Strand. Online.

Frederick Edge published his book the same year also in New York under the title: The Exploits and Triumphs, in Europe, of Paul Morphy, the Chess Champion, including an historical account of clubs, biographical sketches of famous players, and various information and anecdote relating to the noble game of chess, New York: D. Appleton and Company, 346 & 348 Broadway. Also available online. The content is almost the same as the London version, with a few changes.

1859: Morphy’s match games: being a full and accurate account of his most astounding successes abroad, defeating, in almost every instance, the chess celebrities of Europe, Charles Henry Stanley, New York, Robert M. De Witt, publisher, 160 & 162 Nassau Street. Online.

1859: Paul Morphy’s gewonnene Schachwettkämpfe gegen Anderssen, Löwenthal und Harrwitz, Jean Dufresne, Berlin: Carl Heymann. Online. In German.

1860: Paul Morphy, a sketch from the chess world, Londres, J.H. Starie. Translation and commentaries by Ernst Falkbeer of the book from Max Lange Paul Morphy, skizze aus der schachwelt published in Lepizig in 1859. This books contains games but also a lot of information on Morphy’s life and travel in Europe.

1860: Morphy’s games of Chess, J. Löwenthal, London : Henry G. Bohn, York Street, Covent Garden. Online.

1868: Paul Morphy’s schachwettkämpfe: nebst beigabe der besten partien des Pariser schachturniers (pour le prix de l’empereur) vom jahre 1867, Jean Dufresne, Berlin: Carl Heymann. Online. In German.

1899: Half-Hours with Paul Morphy, E. E. Cunnington, London : G. Routledge. Online. Republished in 2015.

1902: Paul Morphy, his later life, Charles A. Buck, Will. H. Lyons, Newport, Kentucky. Online.

1916: Morphy’s games of chess, being a selection of three hundred of his games, with annotations and a biographical introduction, Philip W. Sergeant, London: G. Bell and sons, ltd. Reprinted in 1957 by Dover Publications (available here)

1926: Life of Paul Morphy in the Vieux Carré of New Orleans and abroad, Regina Morphy Voitier. I’m eagerly looking for an online version of this text.

1976: Paul Morphy : the pride and sorrow of chess, D. Lawson, New York : McKay. The first edition of this book, available for browsing online after registration here.

2009: Magic Morphy, Chély Abravanel – Publibook – Amazon. Despite its title, this book is in French.

2010: Paul Morphy: Pride and Sorrow of Chess, D. Lawson (2nd edition), Univ of Louisiana at Lafayette. A very complete biography of Paul Morphy, but contains no game.

2016: Morphy – Move by Move, Z. Franco, Everyman Chess.

2023: Paul Morphy, le champion d’échecs, J. Schwindling, Books on Demand. Available on Amazon. In French.

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