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Gabriel Eloi Doazan

Monsieur Doazan appears in Frederick Edge’s book , page 157:

Gabriel Eloi Doazan was publishing columns in French chess magazines like La Régence.

From the issue of February 1851 of this magazine, we learn that Doazan was living at 14 rond point des Champs-Elysées .

Here’s a map showing the current location of this address in Paris:

In 1863, Paul Morphy, who is back in Paris, is again invited at Doazan’s home. Morphy plays there a game with Arnous de Riviere on January 7th (Lawson , page 285).

Doazan died in 1864. An obituary written by Alphonse Delannoy is published in the April issue of La nouvelle Régence, revue des échecs . Delannoy says in particular:

The noise, the crowds and the fuss tired him out. He liked to entertain amateurs of merit in his home. Many of them experienced the gracious hospitality he reserved for his guests. In addition to these solemn receptions, he had his Wednesday meetings; for many years, I was one of the privileged guests at these indoor parties. It was especially in the midst of this small circle of friends that one could appreciate the qualities of this excellent man.

Very strangely, his death certificate, that I could find on, indicates that he died two months later, on June 17th, at his home.

He was buried on June 20th in the cimetière de Montmartre: Paris, Cimetière de Montmartre (Paris, France) – Registres journaliers d’inhumation | 19/06/1864 – 09/07/1864 – Geneanet


Lawson, David. Paul Morphy, the Pride and Sorrow of Chess. University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press, 2010.
“La Nouvelle Régence, Revue Des Échecs.” 1864.
“La Régence, Journal Des Échecs.” 1851.
Edge, Frederick Milnes. The Exploits and Triumphs in Europe of Paul Morphy, the Chess Champion. New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1859.

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