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The New-Orleans Sunday Delta

Last updated on 2023-09-15

The chessarch website provides 135 excerpts of the New-Orleans Sunday Delta from February 28th, 1858, to November 25th, 1860. This article summarizes the content of these excerpts.

1858/02/28: lettre from the New-Orleans chess club to Howard Staunton (written as Stanton in the article).

1858/03/14: Charles Maurian responsible for the chess column – Creation of a chess club in Mobile (judge Meek, Dr Ayers, Mr Hurtel) – Paul Morphy played 4 games blindfolded.

1858/03/21: Louis Paulsen played 7 games blindfolded in Dubuque – The San Francisco Chess Club organizes a tournament – Description of the New-Orleans Chess Club – Five games played blindfolded by Paul Morphy.

1858/03/28: visit of W. W. Montgomery to New-Orleans – Paul Morphy played 6 games blindfolded.

1858/04/04: departure of Mr. Montgomery.

1858/04/11: announcement of the creation of a new Chess Club in New-York. J.A. Henriques president, Miss Grace S. Irish vice president, Mrs H. Bryant Hazeltine secretary, Miron J. Hazeltine treasurer – About the challenge to Staunton – Morphy played 7 games blindfolded.

1858/04/18: visit from Mr Worrall (written Warrall), from Mexico (apparently on his way back from England, where he had played against Staunton.

1858/04/25: Marache replaced by T. Frère at the editorship of the chess column in Franck Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper – Staunton declines coming to New-Orleans – Morphy played two games giving odds of pawn and two moves to four New-Orleans players in consultation.

1858/05/02: Announcement of Morphy playing 8 games blindfolded.

1858/05/09: Announcement that Paulsen will try to play 10 games blindfolded in Chicago – Challenge of Ferdinand Braunhard to Paulsen.

1858/05/16: Staunton’s answer to the challenge by the New-Orleans chess club.

1858/05/23: Chess column in Boston Evening Gazette.

1858/05/30: Paulsen played 10 games blindfolded in Chicago.

1858/06/06: Departure of Paul Morphy for England – Tournament in Mobile won by John W. Davies – Creation of a chess column in the Boston American Union.

1858/06/13: Paulsen and Braunhard – End of the California Chess Tournament.

1858/06/27: Paulsen played 10 games blindfolded in Boston – Victory of Skinner against Paulsen in the St Louis tournament.

1858/07/04: Paulsen played 10 games blindfolded at Davenport and at Rock Island.

1858/07/11: A banquet for the opening of new rooms for the New York chess club, at 29 Bond street, was held on June 24th.

1858/07/18: publication of Thomas Frere’s Chess Handbook – Morphy visited the St George Chess Club – Staunton versus Worral – A club has been established at Davenport, Iowa.

1858/08/01: telegraph game between Hamilton and London, Canada – Creation of the Providence Chess Club – Staunton – Morphy controversy.

1858/08/08: Paulsen intends to visit Europe – News from Morphy in England.

1858/08/15: Morphy’s visit to the London Chess Club – Match between Morphy and Löwenthal.

1858/08/22: News from Morphy in England – Hope to proclaim Morphy the Champion of the World.

1858/08/29: creation of a chess club in Vicksburg.

1858/09/05: match between Morphy and Löwenthal.

1858/09/12: controversy about Staunton – Providence chess club.

1858/09/19: match Morphy vs Owen – Birmingham meeting.

1858/09/26: Birmingham tournament – Description of blindfold play by Morphy – Defeat of Morphy to Harrwitz – Match Morphy – Löwenthal as published in the London Field.

1858/10/03: Marache editor of the Porter’s Spirit chess column – Morphy vs Harrwitz – Creation of a chess club in Shieldsborough, Mississippi – Match between Perrin and Dr Raphael of New York – Morphy in France.

1858/10/10: Morphy in Paris – Biography of Harrwitz – Morphy blindfold in Birmingham.

1858/10/17: chess clubs at Thibodaux (Louisiana) and Natchez (Mississippi) – Creation of a chess column in Harper’s Weekly supervised by Charles H. Stanley – Morphy vs Harrwitz – Perrin vs Raphael – Syracuse tournament.

1858/10/24: Heydebrandt von der Laza left Rio de Janeiro for Paris (this announcement proved to be wrong, see 1858/11/21) – Blindfold play by Morphy in Paris – Morphy – Harrwitz.

1858/10/31: End of the match between Harrwitz and Morphy – A chess column has been started in the St. Louis Democrat – The New Orleans club has terminated the first year of its existence (the club is located at corner of Exchange Alley and Canal Street) – Match between Raphael and Perrin – Result of the Birmingham tournament.

1858/11/07: Chess in Philadelphia.

1858/11/14: Morphy and Staunton – Proposed participation of the French Emperor Napoleon III to a new blindfold play – End of the Perrin vs Raphael match – Match between Marache and Horner.

1858/11/21: Worrall in New Orleans, en route to England – Announcement of a game by telegraph between New York and Philadelphia – Rumor that Heydebrandt von der Laza had gone to Europe to meet Morphy was unfounded – Game between Morphy and the Versailles chess club.

1858/11/28: creation of chess columns in the Cincinnati Commercial, Philadelphia Item, New York Saturday Press, Illustrated News of the World, (London, by Johann Löwenthal), Le Monde Illustré (Paris, by Daniel Harrwitz) – Match by telegraph between New York and Philadelphia underway.

1858/12/12: Circular proposing a national testimonial to Paul Morphy (then supposed to be back in December 1858) – Club established in Charleston – End of the telepgrah match between New York and Philadelphia – News from Morphy in Paris – Score of Morphy in Paris (following excerpt from New Orleans Sunday Delta (Excavations – Chess Archaeology: Jack O’Keefe Project):

1858/12/19: tournament being organized in the New Orleans Chess club – Club created in Lancaster, Ohio – chess column started in the Brooklyn Eagle (by Thomas Frere) – Morphy in Paris.

1858/12/26: tournament on-going in New Orleans – First prize of the Annual Problem Tournay of the American Chess Association awarded to J. P. Barnett – Second telepgraphic game between New York and Philadelphia.

To be continued.

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